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Μετά την ανακοίνωση για τον θάνατο του David Bowie από την επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του, τα social media γέμισαν με αποχαιρετιστήρια μηνύματα από ανθρώπους της μουσικής και του κινηματογράφου που είτε τον γνώριζαν από κοντά είτε επηρεάστηκαν από τα τραγούδια και την καριέρα του. Μεταξύ αυτών, ο Iggy Pop αναφέρει πόσο σημαντική υπήρξε για εκείνον η φιλία του με τον Bowie, ενώ η Μadonna δεν περιορίστηκε σε ένα μόνο tweet.
MESSAGE FROM IGGY: “David’s friendship was the light of my life. I never met such a brilliant person. He was the best there is. – Iggy Pop”
— Iggy Pop (@IggyPop) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Talented . Unique. Genius. Game Changer. The Man who Fell to Earth. Your Spirit Lives on Forever! 🙏🏻❤️ #rebelheart pic.twitter.com/k3k3lfL3Bv
— Madonna (@Madonna) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Im Devastated! This great Artist changed my life! First concert i ever saw in Detroit! R.IP. ❤️ #rebelheart pic.twitter.com/hGfxI967Bw
— Madonna (@Madonna) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
So lucky to have met you!!!! Hot Tramp I love you So! ❤️ #rebelheart pic.twitter.com/INKPRCeofK
— Madonna (@Madonna) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Words cannot express: RIP David Bowie https://t.co/g40zLWl3qq pic.twitter.com/R94E6LMw9C
— Brian Eno (@dark_shark) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
David Bowie was a true innovator, a true creative. May he rest in peace 🖖🏾 #RIPDavidBowie
— Pharrell Williams (@Pharrell) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Rest in peace, David. pic.twitter.com/9Kv9yM9igh
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Immortal unbelievable A gentleman and a hero RIP https://t.co/LfOz42cGgH https://t.co/jmg9JBGpwB
— Massive Attack (@MassiveAttackUK) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Immortal unbelievable A gentleman and a hero RIP https://t.co/LfOz42cGgH https://t.co/jmg9JBGpwB
— Massive Attack (@MassiveAttackUK) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
David Bowie, you will be sorely missed. Bowie’s “Changes” and the Ziggy story songs were a major influence for me. pic.twitter.com/N1nkD9h82W
— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
I wish he could have stayed on earth longer. RIP #DavidBowie pic.twitter.com/jnYLaaootw
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Bowie existed so all of us misfits learned that an oddity was a precious thing. he changed the world forever.
— Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Rest in peace David Bowie… Universe traveler dream bringer song singer… I’m glad you were here and will keep listening, as always…❤️
— regina spektor (@respektor) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
David Bowie was one of my most important inspirations, so fearless, so creative, he gave us magic for a lifetime.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
I grew up listening to and watching the pop genius David Bowie. He was a master of re-invention, who kept getting it right. A huge loss.
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Find it hard to believe David Bowie has died. What an incredible life
— Anderson Cooper (@andersoncooper) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
RIP David Bowie, my love to Iman 💔. He was a legend in music , fashion and a true inspira… https://t.co/yEUoyvTxvI pic.twitter.com/rHdvphFeGj
— Nina Garcia (@ninagarcia) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Rip Father of all us freaks. Sad sad day. Love always Legendary singer David Bowie dies at 69 https://t.co/ezRx7NVhSC # via HuffPostEnt
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
R.I.P. David Bowie. You were an icon, you changed the idea of what a man should be, your musical genius will live on pic.twitter.com/29ijZOh6Kp
— Frances Bean Cobain (@alka_seltzer666) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
My whole young life I laid on the carpet in my room listening to Bowie & feeling my mind & heart open up Inspired me more than I can express
— Edward Norton (@EdwardNorton) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Rest in peace @DavidBowieReal 1947-2016. With love, Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey. https://t.co/ufVVu0G07y
— The Who (@TheWho) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Too sad for words. https://t.co/DlLSkaebpD
— DJ Windows 98 (@DJWindows98) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Heartbroken. RIP David Bowie.
— KasabianHQ (@KasabianHQ) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
“The truth is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time” David Bowie we will miss you so much
— mia farrow (@MiaFarrow) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Very sorry and sad to say it’s true. I’ll be offline for a while. Love to all. pic.twitter.com/Kh2fq3tf9m
— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
RIP David Bowie. A true InspIration pic.twitter.com/My0BrfSqgS
— PIXIES (@PIXIES) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Bowie was the only pop star from my schooldays who wasn’t dismayed by punk. It inspired him and he inspired it. A truly transcendent artist.
— Billy Bragg (@billybragg) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
The Rolling Stones are shocked and deeply saddened to hear of the death of our dear friend David Bowie… 1/2
— The Rolling Stones (@RollingStones) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
As well as being a wonderful and kind man, he was an extraordinary artist, and a true original. 2/2 #DavidBowie
— The Rolling Stones (@RollingStones) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
— ErykahBadoula (@fatbellybella) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
David Bowie’s music, over the years, has meant more to me than I can say. We have lost someone who imparted comfort and strength to us.
David Bowie’s music, over the years, has meant more to me than I can say. We have lost someone who imparted comfort and strength to us.
— The Mountain Goats (@mountain_goats) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
can’t believe it. we will forever be inspired by/love u, bowie 💙 pic.twitter.com/oXMq6HuhWY
— HAIM (@HAIMtheband) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
— BRAINFEEDER (@BRAINFEEDER) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
bowie was by far the best rock star and we are really lucky we got one more album
was in a session when the news about Bowie broke. we watched “black star”. the session was over. no point.
— el-p (@therealelp) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
@ebaynetflix ❤️
— OLD BAE (@EmRabbit) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Don’t believe in yourself / Don’t deceive with belief / Knowledge comes with death’s release 🌹Bowie
— Dustin Payseur (@dustinpayseur) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Thank you for the gift of sound and vision, David Bowie. RIP. pic.twitter.com/Z5UkB6xeQV
— Nikolai Fraiture (@N_Fraiture) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
R.I.P to a true inspiration and original ✨ pic.twitter.com/7KXtD6pzhJ
— little dragon (@LittleDragon) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
Forever pic.twitter.com/aqJmri7i6R
— Christopher Owens (@Chri55yBaby) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
RIP to a true decades long inspiration, a hero pic.twitter.com/ncdBb2eqPk
— LAUREL HALO (@LaurelHalo) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me – I was not ready for this. RIP Bowie.
— Al Yankovic (@alyankovic) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
“Hot tramp I love you so” pic.twitter.com/dqGniCHLHB
— Primal Scream (@ScreamOfficial) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
bowie was by far the best rock star and we are really lucky we got one more album
— sadie dupuis (@sad13) Ιανουάριος 11, 2016
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