Categories: ΛΙΣΤΟΛΟΓΙΟ

Τα καλύτερα βιβλία επιστημονικής φαντασίας όλων των εποχών

Σύμφωνα με τη Telegraph:

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland-Lewis Carroll (1865)

The War of the Worlds-H. G. Wells (1898)

Dracula-Bram Stoker (1897)

Titus Groan-Mervyn Peake (1946)

Brave New World-Aldous Huxley (1932)

1984-George Orwell (1948)

I, Robot-Isaac Asimov (1950)

The Day of the Triffids-John Wyndham (1951)

Lord of the Flies-William Golding (1954)
Dune-Frank Herbert (1965)

High-Rise-J G Ballard (1975)

The Colour of Magic-Terry Pratchett (1983)

Nights at The Circus-Angela Carter (1984)

The Handmaid’s Tale-Margaret Atwood (1985)

Mother London-Michael Moorcock (1988)

American Gods-Neil Gaiman (2001)

Cloud Atlas-David Mitchell (2004)

Darkmans-Nicola Barker (2007)

Utopia-Thomas More (1516)

Gulliver’s Travels-Jonathan Swift (1726)

The Fall of the House of Usher-Edgar Allan Poe (1840)

Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There-Lewis Carroll (1871)

The Glass Bead Game-Hermann Hesse (1943)

Animal Farm-George Orwell (1945)

Childhood’s End-Arthur C. Clarke (1953)

The Man in the High Castle-Philip K Dick (1962)

Contact-Carl Sagan (1985)

Snow Crash-Neal Stephenson (1992)

The Scar-China Mieville (2002)

The Road-Cormac McCarthy (2006)

The Lord of the Rings-J R R Tolkien (1954-55)

The Time Machine-H. G. Wells (1895)

The Picture of Dorian Gray-Oscar Wilde (1890)

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